AWS DNS and CDN Microdegree

The AWS DNS and CDN Microdegree is an online learning program that provides learners with the essential knowledge and practical skills required to design and deploy high-performance, scalable, and secure DNS and CDN solutions on the AWS cloud platform. This program consists of two courses that cover essential AWS services, such as Amazon Route 53, Amazon CloudFront, and AWS Certificate Manager. Through hands-on labs and projects, learners will develop practical skills in designing and implementing DNS and CDN solutions that can handle high traffic, provide low latency, and deliver content securely. The program is suitable for developers, architects, and DevOps professionals who are looking to enhance their skills in building and managing modern cloud-native applications. Upon completion, learners will receive a microdegree certificate from Udacity, recognizing their proficiency in AWS DNS and CDN services.

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The AWS DNS and CDN Microdegree is an online learning program that provides learners with the essential knowledge and practical skills required to design and deploy high-performance, scalable, and secure DNS and CDN solutions on the AWS cloud platform. This program consists of two courses that cover essential AWS services, such as Amazon Route 53, Amazon CloudFront, and AWS Certificate Manager. Through hands-on labs and projects, learners will develop practical skills in designing and implementing DNS and CDN solutions that can handle high traffic, provide low latency, and deliver content securely. The program is suitable for developers, architects, and DevOps professionals who are looking to enhance their skills in building and managing modern cloud-native applications. Upon completion, learners will receive a microdegree certificate from Udacity, recognizing their proficiency in AWS DNS and CDN services.

    • Introduction to DNS
    • Understanding DNS Records
    • Introduction to Route53
    • Register a Domain using Route 53
    • Manage DNS Hosts
    • Introduction to CloudFront
    • CloudFront with S3
    • CloudFront Advanced Concepts