1:1 Mentorship Program

1:1 Sessions with Mentor

Enroll in our 1:1 mentorship program and get trained by industrial leading engineers with 10+ years of working experience. You will get 100% attention of the mentor which makes doubt clearing super easy and fun!

Industrial Tools and Softwares

We will train and provide you with the softwares relevant to your training and job requirements, making you job ready. 

Project Developement

Develop industrially relevant projects and showcase these projects on your resume. You mentor will guide you through your project


Get free access to labs which are relevant to your trainings so that you can build projects  based on knowledge gained during your sessions

Quizzes and Assginments

Practice and sharpen your skills on our hand crafted quizes enabling you to understand your strong and weak points.

Q & A with Mentors

Raise your queries to your mentor and get your doubts cleared immediately.

Career Counselling

Go through our mentor led counselling to clear your doubts regarding your career and course.

Get Certified !

Complete the trainings with flying colors and awesome projects to showcase on your resume along with a certificate.

Live Support

Our support is available 24×7 to help you through your courses and resolve your doubts

Choose your course now !

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