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Team Mentorship Program

Our mentorship program not only provides you with the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals, but also allows you to collaborate with your mentors in a team setting. This means you will have the chance to work on real-world projects and tools, and gain hands-on experience in deploying them, just as you would in an actual IT company.

1:1 Mentorship Program

Our 1:1 mentorship program offers you the chance to receive personalized training from experienced mentors who will give you their undivided attention. This approach enables you to learn at a faster pace and makes your career progress smoother. You will get 100% attention of the mentor making doubt clearing and progress super fun!

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MicroDegrees: Quick, Efficient And Affordable Way To Learn

Why To Choose LemniscateLab ?

  • Mentor Led Trainings

    Get trained by highly experienced mentors. You can either opt to learn in a batch or enroll for our 1:1 training program.

  • Industrial Case Studies

    Our projects are based on real case industrial case studies from major companies.

  • Quizes and Assignments

    our portal provides free and specialized quizzes and assignments to sharpen your skills

  • Certifications

    Get certified in the most in demand courses and gain 30% growth in your career

  • Industrial Softwares and Tools

    All our clients are onboarded and provided industrially used tools such as Jira, Slack, Git etc to work on projects in teams.

  • Career Counselling

    We provide free of cost career counselling to our clients. This helps you navigate the muddy terrains of your profession.

  • Project Development

    Develop industrial ready projects which you can mention on your resume and discuss in interviews.

  • Life-Time Access

    Enroll once and get life-time access to our pre-recorded videos, Quizzes, Assignments and many more.

  • Labs

    Get access to lab environment to replicate and deploy your projects.

  • Live Support

    our team is present 24x7 and you can reach out to us using live chat option on our website.

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